Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Pride & Plumage: Sergey by Richard Rothstein

'This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.'
Theodore Roosevelt

Last year on the fourth of July, I presented a series of powerful images of  Sergey from photographer Richard Rothstien.  The images presented Sergey, an immigrant, a gay man, a drag queen showing his pride in pursuing his own personal American Dream.  The images represented the colorful sparkle that lives inside each and everyone.  America the beautiful, my America, standing for that which is great about America: freedom, human rights, human dignity, diversity, inclusion and equality.

Sergey's American dream continues and last month, he spread his wings at a special Pride celebration event at TherapyNYC.  Pride of country has to goes hand in hand with pride in self, and a country that doesn't open it's arms to everyone, as we currently see, is only at half flight.  Sergey's wings however remain in full horaltic pose and like the eagle that soars, the phoenix that rises, the wings represent the hope and the power that goes hand in hand with being who you are and living your dreams, American or otherwise, to the fullest.

Sergey on Instagram

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