Thursday, March 26, 2020

Les Damnés

Christophe Montenez

'Christophe Montenez puts all the other actors in the shade, and makes the spectator freeze when he appears himself as a statue, wearing nothing but the ashes of the members of his character’s family who died during the play.'

One of the positive things, I guess, about working from home, is getting to certain things on my 'to do' list.  As far as FH goes, one of the things I rarely do is check out my draft posts.  I often start a story or piece, add images, then plan to return to finish at a later date.  Often, those drafts quickly  move to page 2, then 3 and beyond.  This piece, featuring a 2016 production of Les Damnés, I began over a yer ago.

The subject is hard, this period of the rise of Nazism in Germany, the choice of the protagonists to resist or collaborate, the compromises, the betrayals, everyone has seen or heard of these events. The Von Essenbeck family is at the end of the race, at the end of the race, which exacerbates the features of each and the violence which accompanies the choice of camp for each.

Based on Luchino Visconti’s 1969 film, the theatre production features several scenes of male skin including the stunning french actor Christophe Montenez.  I added a few gifs and videos, but given the subject matter, edited out some of the darker parts.  You can check out and download the full clips, and other scenes from the play on Scenes from Male Skin HERE:

Sebastien Baulain

Sebastien with Denis Podalydes

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