Monday, February 22, 2021

A Change Is Gonna Come: Chris by macpics

'It's been a long, long time coming 
But I know, but I know a change is gotta come'
Otis Redding

One the themes that I love exploring through FH is change.  Working on the blog over the years, I've observed many changes, both physical and emotional.  I especially love when models share their stories of physical and emotional evolution that so many experience after working on their bodies, and seeing the results of their dedication and hard work..  Seeing the final images, and the process of removing their clothes for the photo shoot, has been a transformative experience for many models that I've had the pleasure to feature and interview.

Some of you may recognize Chris.  I first featured the Australia based model back in 2019 after his first shoot with Ian from macpics. (Say Anything?)  Chris was new to modeling at the time, and given his inexperience, Ian could tell that he was more than little nervous.  Despite that, Ian shared that he was extremely prepared and incredibly determined.  Chris had been working out, and despite his nervous, was ready to take it all off and get some great shots for his portfolio.

'The first time I shot Chris, he was more or less a rookie and was rather stiff in front of the camera, but wanted to do his best. The second shoot, this one, was much better for three reasons: Chris was in much better shape, he's really been working hard on his body.  Secondly, he'd been shooting quite a bit, and learned a lot and was much more at ease in front of the camera. He also knew what he wanted out each shot and pose'

Being more at ease, Ian shares that Chris was much more relaxed and they joked and had fun throughout the shooting process.  In addition to his bulking up, there was also another physical change, one Ian instantly noted and found pleasing and different from an aesthetic point of view.  If you checked back on that first post (HERE:)  I'm curious if you noticed?  I didn't at first, but after taking a closer look, I really close look at Chris' penis, the other change could be seen.

Since that first shoot in 2019, Chris was circumcised, a change not often observed in male models who do nudes.  We often see changes in weigh and muscle mass, hair length and facial hairs, but their penises usually look pretty much the same...  Ian didn't pry as to the reason for the de-hooding, whether it was for personal, or medical reasons.  Ian just clicked away enjoying and chronicling the man visual transformations which had occurred.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His drawers were meant to drop