Saturday, May 15, 2021

Incentivized: Jacob by Richard Rothstein

If you follow Richard Rothstein on Instagram, you may be familiar with Teddy.   Even when Teddy isn't the primary focus of Richard's shoots, she still often makes her way into frame.   This skill is just one of the reasons Teddy is a minor celebrity herself..  She not only has her own Instagram page, but is one of My New York's newest employees.  

I always enjoy seeing where Teddy's going to pop up in Richard's work, but I'm not sure I've seen her quite as attentive as she was during this particular shoot.  While Richard was marking his territory, Teddy was definitely marking his with Jacob as well. Who can blame him really.  This isn't just Richard's new home, it's Teddy's as well and she wanted to make sure everybody knew it. 

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