Friday, February 24, 2023

Martin Hewitt in Endless Love

'Just because you're fucking my sister doesn't mean you're part of the family.'
Keith Butterfield (James Spader)

I think we were all Ann (Shirley Knight) in Endless Love when she crept down the stairs and caught her daughter Jade, (Brooke Shields) having sex with her boyfriend David. (Martin Hewitt)  In part, Ann appeared turned on, especially seeing David's beautiful butt thrusting by the light of the fire.  Of course Ann also had to be a bit disturbed, given her daughter Jade was only 15 in the film. 

Shields would have been the same age as her character as her 16th birthday was just months before the film's release in the summer of 1981.   Hewitt, who was cast after a high profile talent search, would have been about 23 years old, playing 17 in the film.  While enrolled at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Pasadena, CA and working as bartender and valet car park/parking lot attendant, Hewitt saw an ad for an open call for a film directed by Franco Zeffirelli and beat out 5,000 actors, including Tom Cruise and Timothy Hutton, for the male lead.

I was only a little kid when the film first came out in 1981, and it was over 10 years later that I discovered it on VHS.  I really don't remember watching the entire film, but scanned for any and all skin scenes featuring the beautiful Hewitt.  It was only in the last decade or two that I sat and watched the film from beginning to end when it aired on one of my cable's movie channels. 

The movie is both better and worse than I remember.  Based on a novel by Scott Spencer, is almost like a 'fast food' version of Splendor in the Grass.  The story certainly holds your interest, but the casting of Shields ultimately fails,  preventing the movie from really being able to pull the viewer in.  The film also featured Jami Gertz, James Spader, (with a great head of hair) and marks the film debut of Tom Cruise. The story however is compelling, and film has some great performances by the adult actors, especially Shirley Knight. 

Reports are that Knight begged Zeffirelli to cast anyone but Shields, suggesting a number of actress's from Jodie Foster, Roseanna Arquette, Linda Blair and even Debra Winger.  It's reported that Meg Ryan was actually close to being cast before they decided on Shields. Shields has stated she was still a virgin when the film was made and was uncomfortable with the way director Franco Zeffirelli pushed her for more during many of the scenes.  Just like in The Blue Lagoon, most of Shields sex scenes were filmed with a body double. 

I'm guessing Zeffirelli may have been more focused on casting the male lead.  Not only does David have the most dramatic scenes, Zeffirelli has a long, and sorted, reputation with the young, good looking actors that he's worked with.

I've written before about the different versions of the film that were released. (HERE:)  The DVD and blu-ray versions have edits that cut out several views of Hewitt's beautiful butt.  You can see much more of Hewitt's backside in the still above, much more than int he actual scene below.  The film was originally given an X rating, forcing the director to make cuts to the nude scenes.  It would be amazing if that version was ever released.

Check out Hewitt's 1990's Softcore appearances on the next page HERE: & HERE:

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