Saturday, June 24, 2023

Prom King: Hal by Chris Teel

'You don’t find a style. A style finds you.'
Keith Richards

FH readers know how I love to visually celebrate a holiday, event or occasion.   With this being the last weekend of June, it's not only the start of summer, for many, it also marks the end of Prom Season.  When I first featured photographer Chris Teel and his work with Hal earlier in the month, ( Make 'Em Smile) I mentioned how difficult it was to narrow down images for the piece. Chris sent on so many great shots, I had to cut out so many favorites.

When I saw this series however, I knew they'd be perfect to celebrate Prom season, so I tucked them away to feature a little later.  I was still firmly planted in the closet when I attended my high school prom, but I did have a beautiful, and very understanding date.  When most of our friends headed to the beach after the prom ended, she was fine going to eat, and then home.  After dropping her off, I then headed to that beach by myself...

If I had been out, and brave enough to take a guy to the prom, I'd love him too look as hot in his formal wear as Hal does.  I'd especially have enjoyed him wearing his suit Donald Duck style, business up top, party down below.  Donald is known for his sailor suit, from the waste up, then little to nothing from the waist down.  Makes the prom night goals that much easier to achieve when the suit is already half off.

I'm guess Hal would be a fun date, and great on the dance floor.  I'm guessing his tight white boxer briefs would also be popular with the judges, making him a shoe in to win Prom King.  Hal shared that Chris planned and brought all the wardrobe choices, and this particular prom style is a winner. Hal to the King! 

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