Monday, September 4, 2023

Heads of the Class

'The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.'

Most of us have classroom memories, both good ones and not so good ones.  Laughing and sharing notes with friends, getting called on by the teacher, and not knowing the answers.  As some of you might have guessed, some of my favorite school and classroom memories involved holidays and of course my favorite school hunks.

I loved the feeling of being in homeroom during the Christmas gift exchange, putting Valentines in little brown bags taped to our desk.  I loved the class hamster we got to share taking home on weekends, and I especially loved that home room on the last day of school before Christmas and summer vacation.

I also remember having some of my most stubborn erections when sitting at those hard wooden desks in class.  Praying it would go down before the bell rang, but prepared with my books and binders to cover if it didn't.  I'm not sure anyone quite had as much fun, or as much sex, in a classroom as the guys in the 80's porn flick 'Kept After School.'  If you want to see more stills from the flick, check out the OVER-FLOW HERE:

1 comment:

vito said...

GREAT over-flow link! Thanks!