Sunday, September 3, 2023

Tool Belt: Kings by Studio1x

'If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.'

Over the past year or so, I've posted several sheets featuring Kings from Jim from Studio1x.  If you've checked out those previous pieces, (HERE:) you've seen Kings wet, you've seen him behind glass, stripping off his blue sweater, his blue jeans and lots and lost of Naked!  You've also seen him him wrestling in his underwear with Dom, then heading to the showers to clean off. (Pillow Fight)

Jim sent along so many different looks and themes, I had to separate them into different posts and this set, I tucked away for Labor Day.  Although work comes in so many varieties, when we think of Labor, we tend to think of physical work, and physical work often means tools.  I'm not sure there's any more universal symbol for manual work and physical labor than a tool belt.

Tool belts are easy have many tools at your disposal, and a way to keep what you need to grab close and handy.  They're meant to be work with pants, but as you can see, look much better without.  You can also check out King wearing, then stripping off, another symbol of physical labor on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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