Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Mirror Magic: Ambrose by Studio1x

'Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?'

One of the most iconic cinematic witches was Queen Grimhilde from Snow White. Also known as the Evil Queen, or the wicked queen, Grimhilde was not only cruel and sadistic, she was also incredibly extremely vain, using her magic mirror, and obsessive desire for beauty to remain the 'fairest in the land.'

Witches are not all evil, many focus more on connecting with their mind and body, with spirits, and with nature.  Magic however, can be a powerful drug, and we all know the strength that power has to corrupt.  Like their human counterparts, Witches can often use their power to seek revenge, especially on those who have mistreated them, their loved ones, or their ancestors. 

Ambrose is not an evil male witch, but like Queen Grimhilde he has been struck with the curse of vanity. Ambrose doesn't use it to harm others, but it does make him a servant to his bedroom mirror.  It's difficult to think of any other object, especially one we all use every day, that has quite the power we give our mirrors.  They can make or break our days with just a fleeting glace.  

Those fleeting glances are the worst, they don't provide us the time to use the magic we often concoct to lie, and fool ourselves.  Mirrors have ruined the lives of many humans and witches a like with their ability to cut through any notion we have, any mask we wear, or spell we cast.

Ambrose spends hours every day standing in front of his mirror.  Posing, primping and preening.  Most of all however, Ambrose is planning.  Planning the next potion, and the next spell, to ensure he remains the object of desire to anyone who's blessed to visually consume him with their eyes. 

Some of you might recognize Ambrose from a brief Halloween appearance on the site a few years back.  Given the time, energy and witchcraft put into his appearance, I thought it time for another visual devour.  Jim from Studio1x said that during their shoot, Ambrose's beauty and body blew his mind.  In reality, he was very quite and humble, but in front of the camera, and in front of the mirror, he became incredibly dynamic and powerful   I'm not exactly sure what spell Ambrose was casting , but I'm guessing the potion included a heathy amount of Wool of bat, and lizard leg to obtain that scrumptious and bountiful behind.

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