To all those celebrating today!
'You only like me for my breasts....'
The Thanksgiving Turkey
Art from Garik Aliev
Turkey's get a bad wrap, despite their reputation, if in a trusting relationship with a human, they can actually be quite social and friendly. Turkey's certainly get the rotten end of the stick at Thanksgiving. I always found it rather morbid how many Thanksgiving images and decorations include turkey's, given their sacrificial role in the festivities. My issue isn't primarily with the eating of meat, it's the inhuman way in which we do it.
Art from Lord Iron
To rectify that situation, and to give turkey's the upper hand, a few years ago, I began posting artwork with the theme 'turkey's revenge'. It began with just one image, but since then, I have tried to add new art piece each year. Given how many turkey's are being fried, stuffed and roasted today, I liked the thought of celebrating the bird with images with them fighting back, and getting a little retribution on those trying to capture, kill, pluck and stuff them.

Back in 2020, I loved having a new and original art piece (above) from Roy from badsign769. to add to the series. As you can see from Roy's image above, the turkey's have teamed up and it looks like our hot pilgrim is about to get his giblets cut, carved and castrated. Roy continued his story with a new piece of artwork below. Our perky pilgrim was obviously caught, tied and stuffed. He's all ready, and in position for an all you can eat buffet.
2023 Additions:
This year, after his incredible creations for my Halloween King Kong themed pieces, (HERE:) I decided to ask digital artist Achillias if he might take a crack at the theme. Despite my late ask, Achillias came through with not one, but three images of turkey's fighting back.
When poor Billy tries to catch a bird for Thanksgiving dinner, it doesn't go well. As you can see, the big birds turn the tables, and decide Billy's shorts need a little pluck and pull. Billy makes a hasty retreat, fearing what part of his naked body those big beaks might venture to next. As for Billy's family...well, they ended up having grilled cheese for dinner.

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