Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Emotional Expressionist: Sébastien by Briancan Photography

'My favorite shoots are those that have a creative/thematic component or an interesting setting.'

We're taught never to judge a book by it's cover, and for the most part, I try my best to follow the intent of the famous phrase.  The key word for me is judge, and not necessarily that the outside can't mirror what lies within.   Sometimes, the outside can be a visual expression of the unique characteristics which make up the many chapters and pages of person or story they represent.  

Whenever I think of a artist, maybe especially a French artist, there are certain visuals that spring to mind.  It might be because I watched too many softcore French movies when growing up, but my casting choice has remained pretty consistent over the years.  My artist is curious, creative, and passionately disciplined. Normally they're gentle and patient, but during the creation process, that passion can sometimes turn intense and all-consuming, 

Physically their stylish, yet not concerned in the least with fashion.  Most have expressive eyes, fit, but not overly muscled bodies, and of course long flowing hair.  They must have that long hair so they pull it back or up in a bun when in overalls at their easel, or shirtless while at their pottery wheel.  Of course this is a fantasy, the visual result of my luxuriant imagination. 

I don't know if Montreal based artist Sébastien Clermont has spent anytime at a pottery wheel, but I have seen the stunning and colorful results of his art.  The visual artist's Instagram is stunning collection of his works, visual book covers to the themes, emotions and mysteries that he explores through his art. Sébastien is an expressionist artist whether standing in front of a canvas, or in front of a camera.  Regardless of of the medium, his goal, and the visual results, is a purposeful expression of emotion.

Some of you might remember my 2022 feature spotlighting Sébastien,  and his work with photographer Chris Teel. (Visual Strangers)  In that piece, when I asked about his favorite modeling experiences, Sébastien responded that one that first came to mind, was a particular shoot on a beach at Scarborough Bluffs.  Sébastien expressed how liberating it was being naked in the natural landscape.  This reaction made perfect sense  given one of Sébastien's artistic goals is the expression of the underlying connection between humans and their environment, 

It made sense then, when featuring more of Sébastien's modeling work, to feature the photographer who shot him at the Bluffs.  Many FH readers know the work of Briancan  Photography, I've been fortunate to have featured many of Brian's shoots, including both his studio and location work.  I even featured a series of images focused solely on the many models he's captured at the Bluffs. (HERE:) Brian and Sébastien have worked together multiple times over the years, and when I asked Brian about his work with Sébastien, he sent on a variety of shots both in studio, and outside.  Most of my favorites, ended up being from location shoots.

It was several years ago that Brian first reached out to Sébastien about photographing him.  Brian loved his look immedeately, and remembers noticing how amazing his abs were and how his long hair framed his face giving him a very natural look.  Although Sébastien's hair was flowing loosely for part of the shoot, I deliberately choose images with it pulled back.  In part I think it was that fantasy visualization I had of an artist at work, but I also just liked how it looked.  Pulled back, there is more of a focus on Sébastien's facial structure and features, not to mention his his beautiful eyes.

'Sébastien's Instagram is very artistic and he loves to travel. With so man varied interests, we have so much to  talk about during our shoots.  Sébastien is very relaxed and always does great poses that take advantage of his fitness and his look. He's also completely comfortable with being nude.  I think we have shot at least 4 times now. I have already reached out to him to be in touch if he comes back to the Toronto area this summer.'

'We've worked together for awhile now, in fact Brian's probably the photographer I've worked with the most in my modeling career. I love shooting with him because he's so easygoing and thoughtful, has great ideas for poses / clothing accessories, and picks great locations (often outdoor). All these elements make the shoots feel fun, easy and leave me with awesome pictures for my portfolio.'

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