Saturday, August 17, 2024

Solid Foundations: Brian by Photography by George

'My favorite part of the shoot was Brian's willingness to go with the flow with such a relaxed attitude about being naked, especially in such an open public locations'

Ok, I fibbed, but just a little.  Brian did lose the red jock-strap, but he's not completely naked.  Given the hazards of the location, for safety reasons, Brian had to keep on his socks and sneakers.  Construction sites are known for their dangerous protruding objects.  I don't think the caution sign warning of moving equipment at this location, expected Brian and his equipment to be surveying the site. 

I love that George, (Traveling Bare) had Brian explore the environment, following with his camera, capturing not just Brian's fine form, but entirety of the location and their surroundings.  I especially love the images of Brian exploring and interacting with the unique objects and spaces around him.

Some of my favorite shots are the images in the series below.  George and Brian came upon and demolished old bathroom, open to the air, but with the shower's three walls sill intact.  The perfect place for a hot, naked man to simulate a shower.

Tell be about Brian while you shot, was he comfortable being nude in that environment? 
I think he was a little nervous at first. It was his first time doing a photo shoot of any kind, clothed or nude.  I think he enjoyed exploring the location, and before long he seemed right at home.

Did he express any concerns? 
Nothing about the location or being nude, he just asked if he was doing ok with his poses 

Do you know if he continued to model?
We did a second shoot at a pool and clubhouse in the community where I live. I know he had been in the service.  I'm not sure modeling was a goal, he mentioned that he was aspiring to become a fire fighter. 

Check out more of George's work on FH:

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