Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Top Hat & Tail: CJ by Bob Burkhardt

Puttin' on my top hat 
Brushin' off my tail

These days, few people tend to dress up for New Year's Eve.  They really seem to dress up for much really.  I understand it, I feel lucky I don't need to dress up for work.  There are a few meeting days that require more professional attire, but most days, it's 'professionally casual.'

I own three suits, one black, one navy and one, a grey tweed.  Although I used to wear them more often, these days it's mostly weddings and funerals.  Even in church, you'd be overly dressed in a suit, especially if you're under the age of 70.  My father on the other hand, had dozens of suits, suit jackets and pants.  He also had four or five pairs of dress shoes, cuff links and several dozen ties. 

My parents went out almost every Saturday night.  They belonged to a group that played cards, alternating between each of their homes over the year.  Whoever had the Saturday closest to New Years, had the New Year's Eve party.   My poor father had to wear a suit almost every day.  He wore one to work, Monday through Friday, wore one to church on Sunday, and wore at least a suit coat on their Saturday night excursions. 

I hate 'suit days', and sometimes wonder how he handled wearing one so often, especially during the height of humidity in the summer.  I guess he got used to it, I don't really remember him ever complaining.   He also had several hats, and I don't mean the ball cap variety that I collect.  He never had a top hat though, except one he rented when he and my mom went to a charity ballroom event put on by our city's orchestra.  Although top hats and tails were mostly seen only in old Fred Astaire movies, most of my older male relatives had their own version of dashing dress for special occasions. 

Just before Christmas, I introduced FH viewers to CJ and his work with photographer Bob Burkhardt.  In that piece, (HERE:) CJ was employing the Burkhardt method of winter sweater wearing by donning his sweater, well, just his sweater, with no other clothing.  For New Year's Even, CJ is utilizing the undressing technique with casually formal, New Year's Eve attire. CJ's puttin' on his top hat for sure, but that's about it.  When you look as hot as CJ,  a top hat is more than enough fashion.  Wearing just the hat also ensures there's no pesky cotton or linen getting in the way, of showing off his tail. 

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