Sunday, June 2, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for June 2nd

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Seasonal Sightings:


Kyle Steele by TR Pics

Media Men: Charlie Besso

Charlie Besso
Height: 5'11"
Suit: 36L
Waist: 32
Shoe: 10
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

I first noticed model, actor and social media personality Charlie Besso on Twitter.  Someone I followed, retweeted one of Charlie's tweets, and instantly was struck by the 21's beautiful face and hair.  After following, I also learned he's not only hot, but his beauty is matched by his smarts, talent and wit.

Some of you may have recently seen Charlie's images in several on-line model editorials.  In addition to modeling, Charlie is also a gifted artist and actor who appeared on the series Will Trent.  Charlie will also be seen in an upcoming episode of the Netflix series, The Night Agent.

Favorite Face of the Day: Franc Luz

'What century did he walk out of, what storybook?'

This post was actually years in the making and inspired by photographer Robert John Guttke.  When I posted about Robert's death earlier this year, I wrote about all of the things he used to send me. Movie and book suggestions as well as hundreds of images and even more stories about his work.  In addition to be being an incredible photographer and artist, Robert was also a writer. 

Robert often sent me pages, and first chapters from the several of the books he was in the process of writing.  He wanted feedback, and maybe a little reinforcement that he should keep on with the particular story.  Some of you may know that Robert also wrote scripts, most notably, a season two episode of the late 1980's series Beauty and the Beast.  

The story for the episode, 'When The Blue Bird Sings' came from Robert alone, but the official writing credit was shared with Roy Dotrice and George R.R. Martin.  Dotrice was one of the show's main writers, and Martin was both a writer and producer on the series.  It was common for 'guest' writers like Robert to share credit with the contracted writers for the series.

Robert was proud that his episode actually got filmed, and shared he based the idea on the 1948 fantasy romance film, Portrait of Jeannie.  This time, it was the artist, not the model, who was possibly a ghost. The artist in the Beauty and the Beast episode was Kristoffer, played by guest actor Franc Luz

At Robert's urging, I found a copy and watched the episode about 10 years ago and planned on doing a piece on Franc.  I was struck not only by the story, but the beauty, and in this case, it wasn't Linda Hamilton.  Luz has such a great face, his facial structure and beautiful eyes.  I was a bit of a smitten kitten. I got a little waylaid, because I wanted to check out more of Luz's work.  Although you may not know the name, I'm betting most of you have seen Franc on screen at one point or another over the last few decades. 

After graduating with a degree in the dramatic arts, Luz began working steadily on stage, getting his break in the film Voices in 1979.  Luz quickly began getting roles on television, including stints on the soaps The Doctors and Ryan's Hope.  Luz also played  the role of the sadistic dentist in the original off-Broadway production of Little Shop of Horrors.

Ryan's Hope (1984) 

Guest shots on other 80's television shows followed, with Luz playing the 'guest' romantic lead to many of television's most popular actresses.  Luz appeared on shows including; Oh Madeline, Remington Steele, The A-Team, My Sister Sam, Hunter and The Bronx Zoo.  Luz also co-starred alongside Jane Kaczmarek in the short-lived 1985 series Hometown.

It was one of Luz's guest appearances that inspired me to finally finish this piece.  Earlier this spring, I caught Luz on an old episode of The Facts of Life.  He was playing Richard Katt, a college law professor that Blair was accused of having an affair with.  As soon as I saw that face, I knew it was Luz, and knew it was time to feature him on the site.  I was patient though, and waited a bit in order to catch more of his work, especially his film work.

The Facts of Life (1987)

During the late 80's Luz continued to appear on television with roles on; Empty Nest, Kate & Allie, The Young Riders and L.A Law.  Luz also appeared on 227 and was due to co-star in the Jackée led spin-off which NBC ended up passing on.  He also appeared alongside  Alyson Hannigan in one season of the fantasy sit-come Free Spirit.

Free Spirit (1990)

Hometown (1985)

Although Luz was a fixture on television in the 80's and 90's (Sisters, Matlock, Silk Stalkings and Star Trek: The Next Generation) he also appeared in several successful feature films.  Luz appeared in When Harry Met Sally, alongside Johnny Depp in Don Juan Demarco, and took the lead in the sci-fi flicks Ghost Town and The Nest.  The Nest was a particular favorite of mine.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Although Luz retired from acting in 1999, he leaves long resume of roles and performances.  Sadly, I couldn't find an 'official' nude scenes, but I did find a few films with shirtless scenes, and a hint of butt from a 1994 softcore flick.  Check them out on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Don Juan Demarco (1994)

BedRock: Seth Peterson by Michael von Redlich

'I love when a model inhabits spaces and I just follow and capture.'

Last month, in the first week of May, I featured photographer Michael von Redlich and his work with  model and adult film star Seth Peterson.  The resulting images were a breathtaking collection of visuals weaving Seth's beauty with the natural grandeur of Sycamore Creek, Arizona. 

Now that we're in the first week of June, I wanted to return to the shoot, and the images I couldn't fit into the first piece.  Although these shots are from Michael's second shoot with Seth, this was the first time Seth posed on his on. In the first shoot, Michael shot both Seth and his then boyfriend , fellow adult performer Aiden Garcia.

As he usually does, Michael sent on hundreds of images from each of his sessions with Seth.  In addition to not wanting to pass up sharing all of my favorite captures, I also wanted to featured the many different areas, as well as the structural and geological components used during the shoot. In the first piece, I featured Seth up, in and then out of one of the locations tree's.  I loved the statuesque look of the tree and how Seth interacted with it.

For this shoot, it all about the boulder bed that Seth lays, poses and artistically connects with. Now no one wants a mattress of rock, but Seth makes it appear like a welcoming and comfortable place to settle down and relax on.  In addition to Seth's poses, you can almost feel the heat from the sun against both Seth's skin and surface the rock.  Like the tree Seth posted on previously, you can also sense the history in the geological formations and changes they've undergone over the years. 

What brought you to AZ to shoot Seth? 
I have a dear friend who lives in Phoenix, and I had noted that there was a high concentration of adult actors in the Phoenix area, so I started reaching out and have been very fortunate with the responses. 

What were the biggest differences between shooting Seth in a duo, and then alone? 
When he is on his own, he is very charming, funny and more creative in his ideas. The very first shoot with his soon-to-be-ex was more tense, but I didn't know him well enough then, so I just thought it was him. 

Was it hard to keep up, or was Seth following you? 
We both stay in motion - I love when a model inhabits spaces and I just follow and capture. 

Given he was totally naked in that environment, any cuts or scratches from the rocks or tree's? 
No - Seth was very careful and I am sensitive to putting any model in dangerous situations. 

Below: Even the cactus seems a wee stimulated about Seth's high kick and leg spread pose.

You can check out much more of Michael's work with Seth, as well more of Michael's thoughts on his work and his time shooting Seth on the NEXT PAGE HERE: