Saturday, March 1, 2025

Ukrainian Views 💛💙

I would never want Ukraine to be a piece on the map, on the chessboard of big global players, so that someone could toss us around, use us as cover, as part of some bargain.  
Volodymyr Zelensky

Last week, when looking over my stats for the previous 24 hrs, I was surprised to see Ukraine second on the list of countries viewing the site.  It really struck me, that given all the country and it's citizens are going through, they still look towards art, beauty and diversions from the horrors of war. 

After seeing the shit show, and the ambush of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy this week, it seemed appropriate to salute him, and the country he's fighting so hard to keep free.  So many in America seemed to be turning their backs on Democracy, for reasons, I'll never fully understand.  Some of the reasons that are clear however, are frighteningly rooted in ignorance, stupidity, racism and the lack of caring for fellow human beings.  Sadly, for many this is done in the name of religion, ironic, as the orange idiot and his followers seen to no nothing about the actual teachings of Christ. 

Some of you I know recognize Serg Shepard, a model of Ukrainian decent I've had the privilege of featuring dozens of times on the site.  I was first introduced to Serg through the work of one of my favorite photographers, Richard Rothstein, over seven years ago.  These images, are from Serg's very first appearance on the site back in 2018.

If you follow Serg on-line, you know how much he loves and honors his heritage.  Some of Richard's shoots with Serg, have also incorporated pieces of his culture and life before moving to America.  You can check out all of my features spotlighting Serg, and his work with Richard on FH HERE:

Serg Shepard on OnlyFans

1 comment:

materik09 said...

I live in Russia and come to site with VPN Doichland and Franse.