I am a difficult person to please with tv comedies. They really have to make me laugh. I rarely watch sit-coms because most are so badly done. The last comedy I watched with any regularity was 'Everybody Loved Raymond'. CBS seems to do the best with the sit-com, at least in the last few years. Recently I caught a couple of episodes of 'Big Bang Theory' and upon the second show, went out and bought season 1 and am loving it.

Watching Big Bang on Monday nights also got me to try 'Gary Unmarried' with Joy Mohr, which also is quite well done, and after being on the air a few seasons, I am also starting to enjoying 'How I met your Mother'. I draw the line at "Two and half Men' though which I think is one of the worst shows on tv in decades. The acting and writing on Men is not the problem it is the way the show is promoted as 'Family' viewing, and is aired at all times of the day and evening in syndication now. Personally I would not let anyone under 20 watch that trash. The fact it is so popular somehow scares the crap out of me...

Big Bang is well written, well acted and generally ensures at least a few laugh out loud moments an episode. An orginial sit-com I suggest you all give a shot. Since this Blog is on Favorite Hunks, I have to say a word or two about the guys. Johnny Galecki has the toughest job on the show as he often plays straight man to the other characters, but as always he does a great job. Jim Parsons is a stand out and cracks me up with almost every line that comes out of his mouth. Call me crazy, but I also am attracted to Simon Helberg and Kunal Nayyar who are the best second bananas currently on tv. There is something so attractive about guys who can make you laugh so hard and Simon, as Howard is my favorite character on the show. Got to give a shout out to Kaley Cuoco who I never really thought much about on her past tv shows, is outstanding as Penny. It is great to have a new show to count on for some laughs each week, especially with all that is going on in the world.

Might I suggest a few NBC shows for you to check out. 30 Rock and the Office are very good shows. The are the only scripted shows I can stand to watch since Friends, Will and Grace, and Sex and the City went off the air.
I guess i should just point out that Big Bang theory is made by the person who made two and a half men, chuck lorre (also the creator of mike and molly). This man just cut and pastes this sitcom formula to everything he's ever done, so i won't really be taking your advice on what shows to watch, being as i'd watch big bang if i felt like the exact same horrible joke setups that two and a half men has.
Although your correct about Lorre creating both shows, Big Bang is actually quite funny whereas two & and half men is horrible. Maybe there are different writers or show runners as there is a world of difference between the two shows. Cast of BB make up for a lot.
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