Like many, I crushed over actor Robert Pattinson when I first saw him as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire. But...for some reason I cannot stand anything Twilight related. I usually love anything Vampire connected but I cannot get through an Twilight film. Some of today's hottest actors make up the cast but the pacing seems in slow motion to me. Kristian Stewart grates on my last nerve and except for his abs, Taylor Lautner, and his lack of acting skill, hold no appeal to me. (sorry!). Pattinson also has a bit of that dear in the headlight look when promoting the film, something I am sure is connected to sudden fame and constant work.

It was nice this past weekend to fall back in love with Patinson in Water For Elephants. I loved every minute of this film from the beginning with Hal Holbrook through the incredible performance by Christoph Waltz and the climatic finale. I love elephants and as kid always dreamed of joining the circus. When I was university I protested local circus's coming to town due to their use of animals, but as a kid the circus held a huge amount of magic for me, all brought back while enjoying this film.
I have been thinking about seeing WATER FOR ELEPHANTS and based on your escellent flick picks in the past, I now know I will see it. BTW, have you seen Robert's film REMEMBER ME? If not, I highly suggest it. Though it is probably one of the most depressing films I have ever seen. One suggestion if you decide to see it, don't look on the internets for anything more than the trailer!
I've always been a fan of the vampire genre since I was a kid reading Anne Rice novels. True Blood has set the bar pretty high for me when it comes to the genre now and trying to watch Twilight is impossible. Nothing can compare to the great acting and visuals of True Blood. I really wish when the Anne Rice novels were made into films Alan Ball should have been the one to make them.
Being that I use to work in a bookstore, I was curious about the Twilight series. When I saw that the movie was available at the library I thought, Why not. Well, THANK GOD I DID WASTE ANY MONEY ON THAT CRAP! Mr.Patterson can act, can't he??? He only made a few movies before he did the Twilight movies and he said that he didn't work for about a year after HP. I just hope he isn't being hired for his looks, he is way too skinny. Oh, and by the way, I thought that the True Blood show is racist, homophobic and transphobic
OK, Let me just say that I too had a crush on Cedric Diggory. BUT Twilight is just an insult to the whole Vampire Genre. The author ruined the whole thing, I gave them a chance and read the books. By the fourth, I wanted to SLIT Bella's throat, smack Edward over the head and decapitate him and Jacob, well that is some of the worst writing I have ever read. Do not even get me started on them sparkling in the sun and the Christian overtones.
Have not seen Elephants, perhaps its just these books that is now making me dislike Robert. Also do not think that he grew properly into his looks, like many bois do. Daniel Radcliffe, when he had the Equus role, I almost rushed to US just to see it.
LOL I asked a friend who has read all the books,as well as watched the movies if Bella was as boring in the books as she was played in the movie and I subjected myself to a 20 min. attack on how I knew NOTHING about Twilight etc. etc. My mistake!!! I have watched the prior movies (tried reading the first book)and was honestly bored senseless for 90% of them. Even Taylor shirtless couldn't save the last one.I did crush on Rob as Cedric but this whole edgy/brooding (dull) vampire role is just,well...dull.But then I'm not a 17 y/o girl....or in the case of my friend a 32 y/o adult woman.
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