'Poor Finnick. Is this the first time in your life you haven’t looked pretty?'

In Catching Fire, Finnick is described as being extremely handsome. Tall, muscular, athletic, with tan skin and bronze hair. That with his “incredible” sea-green eyes makes him very appealing to the citizens of The Capitol. His “natural beauty” is what won him all of his sponsors in his first Hunger Games.

I devoured The Hunger Games trilogy in about a week earlier this year. Besides the ending, (which I won't spoil) I loved every page. One of the most interesting characters introduced in the second book, Catching Fire is Finnick Odair. The casting of Finnick, like with Peeta and Gale in the first movie, has led to rumours of almost every young actor in Hollywood vying for the role.
Sam on the set of Catching Fire

26 year old English actor Sam Claflin, best known for his roles in Pirates of the Caribbean and as William in last years Snow White & the Huntsman won the role earlier this year. I look forward to adding Sam to own Tributes page!
Any Human Heart (2010)

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