Saturday, October 27, 2018

Skull & Bonds by New Manhattan Studios

' Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft.'
William Shakespeare 

Although New Manhattan Studio's hasn't officially shot a Halloween themed shoot with Bond, many regular readers may remember that it was a dark and stormy Halloween night back in 2014 when Bond arose and made his first appearance on FH.  (Those Who Wait)  Although the images were not shot to celebrate All Hallow's Eve, Bond's tight orange t-shirt, and the black mesh material he was holding, made the resulting images perfect to celebrate the day.  I went on to feature more edits from the shoot a year later in Black to Bond. (HERE:)

This series images oddly enough, were also not shot for the holiday, but someone, or something, knew it was time for Bond to make another Halloween appearance. The skull in wasn't even meant to be part of the session, but it seemed to want a cameo...   While Wes and company were adjusting lights and camera settings, Bond picked up the skull  and began playing with it.  Bond is incredibly skilled with working with whatever props are thrown his way, even ones not initially intended to be part of the shoot.

Wes shares that during these causal moments, Bond's playful nature came out, along with an impromptu repertoire of voices which bounced from Shakespearean to Transylvanian. Wes liked the results and included the images as part of a larger portfolio consisting of images Wes believes are some the most erotic shots he has  captured thus far of Bond.  You can check out more on FH after Halloween, but if you can't wait,  check out more on NMS or check out the preview on Blurb HERE:

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