Thursday, December 24, 2020

Sprinkles TinselPants

Dear Santa, This year, all I want for Christmas is a copy of your list of naughty boys...

As I mentioned on the previous page, one of the signs that Elves deserved their own theme this Christmas, were Roy Johnson's (badsign769) naughty elf series that I featured last Christmas. (Santa's Litte Secret).  Although Santa shared that many of his elves have impressively big tools, one of the secrets that he didn't share, were the names of the elves in his troupe.  

Although elves have 'human' names they use in the workshop, common names like Buddy, Joe and Frank, they're also all born with official Elf names they warned not never to say out loud.  If they do, they are assure to fall to the workshop floor in a fit of giggles. Given that  Glitterballs, SnowyBum and Cinnamonbuns are fairly common sur names, you understand why most elves only whisper their names late at night when they're completely alone.

If you don't know your ELF name, check out the chart below.  Although I'm known as Tye in the workshop, I'm proud to type, (not say) that my ELF name is Sprinkles TinselPants.  Don't worry, I let my parent know often how this impacted me when I was in school. 

badsign679 on Instagram

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