Saturday, June 18, 2022

Two Heads are Better than One

'Every father should remember one day his son will follow his example, not his advice.'
Charles F. Kettering

I've written before about my struggle with images featuring family members posing nude.  The relationship between the models, isn't what's problematic.  It could be brothers, twins, mothers and daughters or fathers and sons. My issue is that so many photographing and promoting the work, choose to sexualize it.

As someone whose education was focused on phycology, and as someone who works with children and families, I find nothing remotely appealing about sexualizing the relationship between siblings and parents, sons and daughters.  All that aside, I do find images of two family members together, shot in a non-sexual way, to be incredibly sensual and incredibly fascinating. 

The Myette's

Great imagery can be sensual and sexy without being sexual and some of my favorite images of family members are often every erotic.  Think of all those shots of the Carlson Twins.  There is an intrinsic element of eroticism with seeing the brothers together, naked and free from the confines of clothing.  One of the things I like best is the visual comparison we all do naturally when seeing two family members together who are totally nude.

Chance Caldwell and son Jerry

Over the years, I've covered many siblings and twins shot together.  I've also featured several fathers and sons shot together in a non-sexual way.  I've featured the Myette family from  Playgirl, (HERE:) Matheus and  Kaike Carrieri for G Magazine, (HERE:) and some less famous father/son duos (HERE:.)  For this piece, I also researched a little on former Colt model and porn model Chance Caldwell.  Chance brought his son, credited as Jerry Huntington into the porn business, and they even did a threesome scene together with a female porn star. 


When looking for a new father and son duo to feature this year, I came upon a model whose OnlyFans page really took off after bringing his dad into the mix.  The images are not sexual, but that didn't mean they didn't cause a stir.  If you haven't seen or heard of them before, check them out on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

 The Carrieri's

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