Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Nakedartisan: All Worked Up!

Won't you please, won't you please? 
Please, won't you be my neighbor?

Because I live in the country, my neighbours aren't really that close to me.  The ones that I do see regularly, and talk with when I'm working outside, are all lovely, but not necessarily people I long to see naked.  I think we'd all love to have a hot young nudist living next door. A neighbour who likes to work outside, mow the lawn and garden naked and help you fix your whipper snipper....

Nakedartisan shares that he hasn't really had any issues with his neighbours, He's fairly confident that his patio and backyard are private enough and that he's not being seen. If he is being watched, his neighbours must really mind, at least he hasn't heard any complaints...  Although I suspect that  he wouldn't mind if he was being seen, his love of nudism isn't really about others, or what they think.  For Nakedartisan, it's is all about creatively living the life he wants for himself, and a big part of that life, is  living it naked.

'My love of being naked came from running around outdoors. Growing up, I kept to myself a lot but was never really sad or lonely. There were no shortages of loved ones. I kept to myself because I liked my company the most. I could always do what I wanted to do. No arguments over controllers, nor having to share everything. I remember one day  asking myself “What would happen if I took my clothes off”? Well, I wanted to find out, stripped down, and I  haven’t looked back since. '

I first discovered Nakedartisan on Twitter and was really drawn to his images.  A big part of that draw was the joy he exuded while working around the house and completing daily chores and tasks. All of course, sans the confines of annoyingly restrictive clothing.  Some of my favorites shots were the many self-shots Nakedartisan took working outside in the yard cooking, and cleaning his house.  I don't  think I've ever been so captivated with someone cleaning a toilet....

What prompted you to share your images on-line? 
I was motivated to start posting by others who were doing the same. They seemed as if they were having fun and I wanted to be a part of that.  So far, the response has been great.

Did you have any concerns or issues beforehand or after? 
My biggest concern is how my message is being received and if I communicated it effectively. I'm not just naked, I’m an advocate for the lifestyle. I enjoy sexual content but do not want to just be known as an object. I’m still in a developmental stage with my brand. Every day it gets a little better but not before overthinking the process.

What inspired your name 'Nakedartisan
It combines two things I enjoy; living the life I want for myself and creativity. 

You shoot a lot of images doing everyday things around the house, do you do most things nude? 
Inside my home, yes. The outdoors has to make sense. Bugs are a factor and spray all over your body is awful. Yardwork can be dangerous! 

What is the craziest thing you've done naked? 
Post myself online. It's also been the most rewarding, freeing, and empowering thing I've ever done

What is your 'dream' scenario for a shoot? 
My dream scenario for a shoot is one where everything goes right.. The cameras are working right, lighting is perfect, and everything is falling into place.

Do you shoot all the images yourself?
Not all of them but most of them. 90% of my photos are self -portraits. I took them myself with a tripod, remote, phone, etc. There are times when I'm shooting that I come across someone who might be able to help.  I explain what I do and ask if they wouldn’t mind lending a hand. So far so good!  People are pretty relaxed and motivated to help. 

Have you ever shot in a public place where you worried about people passing by? 
Yes, any place that is not designated for nudity is a place to worry. Some places are more open and traveled, while others are more closed and quiet but the threat is always there. I really enjoy what I do and do not want to ruin it for myself or others. I do not intentionally put myself in such situations to be seen or caught. I do not look for encounters. 

Do you have a favorite shot or theme that you've shot? 
Not yet, I enjoy a few things I've shot but nothing that hits a list. I like trying new things and experimenting with known techniques. There's too much out there for me to determine a favorite.

Although Nakedartisan  may not have a favorite, one of my favorites is a series of shots that he shared on his Twitter.  It involved the framing and hanging of an incredibly beautiful piece of art.  I loved seeing the progress, the framing and the finished results.  I was also incredibly impressed that the painting was created and completed by Nakedartisan himself. 

'The painting was inspired by my first trip to a nudist beach; Wizard Beach (Isla Bastimentos) in Palma, Spain. The painting is titled Playa de Arena. '

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