Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Culleoka Concepts: Red Hats & Full Sacs

There's something about a man in a Santa Claus suit that just drives me absolutely crazy! 

For so many of us, our love all things fleece, felt and faux fur goes back to our childhoods.  Not to get too Freudian, but for some... Santaphilia is real.  Yes, there is such as thing as having a Santa fetish.  For some it's about looking for a kindly father figure, for others, it's just about wanting to sit on a on a firm, hard lap. 

It's really not surprising given how visuals of Santa dominated so much of our early childhood holiday memories.  Even if you didn't celebrate Christmas, Santa was everywhere.  In movies, on television, posters, decorations and greeting cards.  Most of us drew Santa on construction paper, or created his face with paper plates and cotton balls.  Many of us were also taken to the mall to sit on his lap, tell him what we wanted and leave with a sugary treat.

Santa is also a comforting mixture of masculine energy and nurturing dominant.  He's kind and giving, yet can also dole out a lethal punishment to naughty little boys. To add to the list of reasons, his black leather belt and boots only add to the elements of fetish.  Santa's also a giver, that's his shtick, he gives, you receive, nothing complicated about that. 

I remember when I was younger watching an episode of The Golden Girls with my mom.  It was the show's Christmas episode and the character of Blanche a fetish with the jolly elf, and a quote that perfectly summed up exactly why.

'There's something about a man in a Santa Claus suit that just drives me absolutely crazy! I don't know. Maybe it's-- it's the warmth of all that red hot sweaty flannel, set against the austere coldness of those Black panther leather jack boots...OR maybe it's because those rosy cheeks and twinkling eyes bespeak a passion that is about to erupt from a man who just spent a cold lonely year cooped up with a pack of dwarfs! I'm not sure. All I know is the sight of a Santa sets my body aflame with unbridled desire!'

I wouldn't say I have a Santa fetish exactly, but I would say that like Blanche, at this time of year, the site of hot man in the red fur hat sets something in motion.  This selection of models and visuals from Culleoka Concepts certainly did.  I asked about sharing just a few Santa shots, but was blessed with a slew of sexy Santas, all of whom are ore than capable of heating up the longest of winter's nights.

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