Monday, December 19, 2022

George: The Final Touches

Decorating the tree is one of those things we tend to forget can be a challenging and frustrating task.  Anyone who's put up a real tree knows how hard it is to get in the house, in the stand, and to stand up straight.  The mess of needles alone makes it less a fun activity, and more a lot of hard work.

Even with an artificial tree, there can be issues, usually with the lights.  I also especially hate that needed task of fluffing out all of the branches that were squeezed together when it was put in the box the previous year. But... when the lights are on and the ornaments are hung and those final touches are completed, there's a sense of seasonal satisfaction knowing that the tree is up, and you won't have to do it again for another 12 months. 

There's also the joy in knowing you'll be enjoying the tree and the lights for the next couple of week, or in some cases.. months.  Over the last few December's, I shared a few holiday themed shoots from photographer and nude model George.  You've seen his work behind and in front of the camera under the heading of both Photography By George, and Naked Ambition.

Given George and his work has been apart of many FH holidays, I had to get in touch to see if he'd shot, or posed for any new shoots this season.  George didn't have any new shoots, but a few selfies from his recently day of decorating and tree trimming.   I've never decorated my tree totally naked, I usually do it at night, in front of a big open window.  Not sure if George has neighbours close to those big patio doors behind him, but if he does, fa la la la la, la la, la la!

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