Thursday, December 22, 2022

Luke G: Hush

Wrapped in morning silence of December's trees 
Lonesome am I as I hear the ravens cry 
Grieving art the morning songs 
Above the forest's tranquility
Winter's Silence

Winter is both the nosiest and quietest season.  Some days, the sound of snow plows and snow blowers echo throughout the neighborhood.  Anyone's whose walked on or through frozen snow knows the crunching sound is annoying and loud.  There's also no wind, like a winter's wind, howling louder the lower the temperature falls.

On many winter days however, there is a deafening silence, especially when you're alone in the woods.  most humans are snuggled in at home.  Most animals, burrowed deep in their burrows.. Even the birds who haven't flown south can't must much energy to sing.  

Deep in the winter woods, the only sounds you hear are the occasional crackle of tree branches.  Sometimes, it's an animal venturing out, most times, it's just the branches breaking due to the ice and snow that covers them.  There is nothing really more peaceful than the hush of a winter walk in woods

Thanks to Luke G. who took another winter walk, and shared another winter shoot with FH.  I'm a huge fan of Luke's work, especially his shoots in the snow.  I continue to be amazed at quality and composition in the incredible self-shots Luke manages to capture when alone outside, naked in the cold.

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