Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Hesitant Hibernator: Ben by John Mar Photo

'The comfort of reclusion, the poetry of hibernation'
Marcel Proust

Usually this time of year, most bears have entered hibernation.  They usually head into their dens in late October or early November and nap and chill until spring returns.  During the winter, it's good for bears to minimize their skin and furs exposure to the harsh winter elements. 

Contrary to popular believe, bears do not actually fully hibernate during the winter.  They enter a lethargic state, and a lighter state of sleep called torpor.  They often wake up, but usually just roll over and doze off again.  Sounds like how many people in the North East and Midwest spend their January's and February's. 

Ben is one bear who fights the urge to hibernate during the winter.  Although he loves to snuggle into his cozy den, he has far too much energy to stay cooped up napping all winter long.  This bear is also California based, so sneaking out of his den, and checking out his surroundings, is an absolute must, regardless of the weather of season.

When photographer John Mar sent along a selection of models, and holiday photos, I knew these shots of Ben in his plaid onesie, would be perfect for Boxing Day and Twixmas week.   Although Ben doesn't officially hibernate, a day or two being snuggled and nuzzled by his bulging beautiful body would  beariffic. 

'Ben was such a fun model. He brought his red-and-black flannel onesie and it created such warm, inviting pictures, perfect for the holidays! I look forward to working with Ben again in 2024.'

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