Friday, May 17, 2024

Blast From The Past: Joe Rogan, circ 1990's

Joe : Wow, Dave is gay?  
Matthew : No, no, Dave is Canadian!

Ok, first off, let's be clear, I know Joe Rogan is a douche.  I know about his racist and antisemitic comments, his comments on the trans community and his dangerous comments about Covid.  Rogan's comments got so bad, that legends like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell asked for their music to be remove from Spotify, in large part, because of Rogan. 

Rogan by Barry King

All of that aside though, I've been watching NewsRadio, and despite trying to resist, I have been drawn to Rogan and his character, also named Joe.  Last month, I featured Dave Foley,  (HERE:) and I today I'm featuring feature Rogan.  Not the Rogan of today, the vile right wing spotlighting bigot, but Rogan, the actor from the late 1990's.

In addition to Rogan's great body, I love 'Joe's' wardrobe on NewsRadio. The wardrobe department put him mostly in tight jeans, with an array of shirts I'd kill to have hanging in my closet.  The show also found several opportunities to get Rogan out of his shirts, and even in one scene, out of his pants. 


I started watching NewsRadio a month or two ago, but have started to get a little bored.  The first season and half were great, but the show seems to be getting a little lazy, not a good sign so early in it's run.  It's also hard watching Phil Hartman, knowing he's so close to the end of his life.   The entire cast is great though, and often save some of the weaker scripts with their talent and charisma. 

Although Rogan showed a bit of skin on the sit-com, he's never really done an 'official' nude scene in any of his acting roles.  He did however, show his ample ass on the 1997 VHS Music and Fashion awards.  I'd seen the caps, but had never seen the video.  Thanks to poster kalilover from DreamCap, you can check it out for yourself below. 

VH1 Music and Fashion Awards

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