Friday, July 12, 2024

Chris: A Boyfriend's Behold

'We've been together about a year and a half.'

One of the many themes I love to explore on the site is perspective.  Most of the images I feature are created by artists and photographers.  The result, the model and visuals are seen through the eyes and perspective of the artist behind the lens.  They are the ones usually choosing the location, the background, the lighting and angles.  They do the editing with the final visuals mirroring their vision.

It's always fascinating to me to hear models share how different they see themselves after seeing images of themselves taken by a skilled photographer.  Despite looking at themselves in the mirror all of their lives, many feel that they see themselves as sexy and handsome for the first time in their lives. 

Is fascinating how others, even complete strangers, can see things about us we can't see ourselves. That's one of the reasons I think all models should collaborate with others.  Sure there are some great model/artists who shoot incredible self-portraits, but so many depend on selfies on their social media and OnlyFan sites.  In doing so, they often limit themselves to how they see themselves, omitting the most important perspective.  

Although many models and photographers develop friendships, most creative collaborators begin as strangers.  It's fascinating then, to explore visuals created by two people in a more intimate relationship...  Some of you might recognize Chris from a 2019 Easter themed post. In the series shot by Studo1x, Chris, along with Jay, (Best Laid Plans) were doing a little erotic Easter painting.  Things got pretty hot, and really messy, and a shower was certainly in order at then end of the shoot.

I've been following Chris on social media since, and have been hoping to feature more of his work.  For this piece, we decided to show Chris from a very intimate and specific perspective.  Instead of spotlighting one of his professional shoots, or a selection of selfies, these shots were all taken by Chris' boyfriend.

Chris has been modeling nude for close to 10 years now, and shares that he's always felt comfortable being naked, adding that he loves, and feel his most comfortable, being his 'natural state'.  Chris also isn't new to being nude in the great outdoors, and likes to strip down whenever, and wherever he can. This is especially true when traveling, in places where he doesn't know anyone, and it's erotically motivating to take more risks.  

'Sharing nudes on-line means that some people will be judgmental.  Most people however,, including my boyfriend and family have supported me. It’s been a mechanism to stay in touch with my sexuality, creativity, and authenticity . It’s literally and figuratively me beating myself for the world to see. It’s empowering.'

This series of shots feature images of Chris taken by his boyfriend while on vacationing.  Most of these shots were taken when the pair visited Hawaii and Palm Springs, California.  Chris shares they were always careful to be respectful of others, and ensured there never people around who weren't aware of what they were doing, and what they were shooting.  Given the perspective, that of a lover and partner, there is an unique openness and visual intimacy in this set of images.  From his perspective, Chris shares that his favorite shots were the images his boyfriend took of him in Palm Springs.

'I think my coolest shots have come from Palm Springs. It’s a magical place that brings out my fullest gayness. My favorite location was shooting outdoors at a beautiful house in Palm Springs during Pride. The lion statue nude came from that shoot!

1 comment:

ponizinack said...

Behold his behind; behold his cock