Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Point Of No Return: Julien by KRVT

'When I had the chance to do a nude modeling shoot at the end of 2022,  I though why not.  It might be my only opportunity and since I have no problem with showing off, I need to take it.'

Being a model, especially being a male model, isn't one of those careers most little boys grow up dreaming about.  Very few people actually make it, and it's not a career goal that many parents encourage or support.  So many of the male models I've interviewed have shared that modeling wasn't so much something they necessarily sought, but something that found them. Often it began on a whim, or through a specific opportunity.  That's exactly how it happened for Julien.

As much as I enjoy great images of hot men, FH readers know I'm not satisfied with just posting images.  I love to know the stories behind them, and how the images I'm drawn to, came to be. I especially love when the stories take me to places I've only visited through reading, through movies or my vivid, and always wandering imagination.  Julien has a great story, one that started and takes place in a country I'd love to visit one day.

I knew nothing about Julien, or his story when we connected on Twitter.  I followed his page of course, because he was posting incredibly hot images.  I loved Julien's long, lean body and great face and smile. Julien also credited himself on Twitter as, Twunk Nextdoor', a name which peaked my curiosity to find out more.  Julien kindly answered all my questions, about his Twitter name, how he got into nude modeling, and the best and worst parts of taking it all off for the world to see. I enjoy Julien's images, but I really loved and respected his story, especially his honest, and often raw answers to my questions.  I think you will as well.

What got you started with modeling? 
In all honesty, I never planned to become a model - it's even weird for me to say that I am one. I feel that calling myself a model is a disgrace to all the actual models out there, haha. I am far, far, FAR from being a beautiful, model-like boy. I don't have the face or the style. As one photographer said, I am more of a boy next door, which isn't inherently a bad thing, but it's obviously not something this industry is looking for. 

I always wanted to be a singer or an actor, or just a creative person in general, but I never had a strong support system to pursue that path. However, the eagerness to become, at least, recognizable kept growing and growing. Add to that the need to show off as a way of seeking validation for how my body looks and overcoming body dysmorphia and anorexia, and what you end up with is an "average boy" trying to make a splash in modeling :) 

Did you always plan on posing nude?
Well, as I said, never planned to become a model and most likely would never stand a chance to become a fashion/clothing model etc. etc.  When I had the chance to do a nude modeling shoot at the end of 2022, I though why not.  It might be my only opportunity and since I have no problem with showing off, I need to take it.

Had you previously done any nude activities, nude beaches or anything?
Before modeling, I had never had an experience like that, no nude beaches, not public nudity, nothing. Well, having sex doesn't count I guess lol

So were you nervous the first time you posed nude?
Not really, it actually felt very hmm liberating and somewhat natural for me. 

Curious about the attitudes about men posing nude in Poland? Are there many opportunities?
When it comes to men posing nude in Poland, there is some sort of stigma. One time, I had a short conversation with a photographer, and I agreed with what they said: In Poland, male nude posing is considered 'gay,' or a sign of a 'lack of self-respect'. You need to have very thick skin, as the criticism starts pouring in once you pursue something like that. 

Regarding opportunities, there are some, but it is a very hermetic environment, and photographers tend to have their favorites that they want to work with. So it's hard to break through, I feel - it requires lots of self-confidence, faith in oneself, and discipline. 

What has been your best modeling experience so far? 
Maybe not 100% related to modeling, but thanks to it, I have met many great and interesting people who have broadened my perspectives, given me new ideas and visions about the world, and shown me different kinds of life that I wouldn't have been able to experience otherwise. I have also seen many places in Poland that I would most likely never have visited! 

What has been your worst?
The worst is actually extremely painful to me... When I was just starting doing Twitter in 2023, someone downloaded some of my photos, printed them out, put them on empty plastic bottles and wrapped stones with them, and threw them at my house at night during the Easter weekend of 2023... In the morning my mom found these bottles and stones... 

I'm not even going to mention how furious and disappointed she was... That incident also had an effect on me... I did make a dent in my, let's say, "career", as I didn't take part in any photoshoot till the end of 2023 and shut down my Twitter, IG accounts. I reopened them again at the beginning of 2024... I also became slightly paranoic because of it... Now every evening before going to sleep I need to check whether someone has thrown stuff at my place, written something on the road or the wall etc.

Did your family or friends have any reactions when you started posting nudes on-line?
As I've already mentioned, the first encounter my mom had with my pictures was during Easter 2023. At that time, I didn't reveal that I was pursuing modeling—I lied and said the pictures were "just for fun" or "for attention." It wasn't until the next Easter in 2024 that I came forward, which happened because my mom found my Instagram. She was mad again and told me that I was selfish for doing so, as it might destroy our family's reputation. (Mind you, I live in a village in southern Poland, where 100% of the population declare themselves as "Christian.") 

My older sister was slightly more accepting, but she still had her doubts and uncertainties. My dad, fortunately, wasn't told anything, which might be for the better. However, very soon, my modeling was pushed to the backburner as I came out to my mom as gay. Now it feels like she's living in denial. I'm pretty certain she knows that I'm still doing photoshoots and such, but she tries to keep that thought away from her. The same goes for me being gay. In short, my family isn't necessarily fond of what I'm doing. When it comes to friends, I feel like there is more acceptance there than in my family, but still, I have a strong feeling that many of them find my actions inscrutable and simply wrong.

How did you connect with KRVT
Actually he connected with me :) Ok, at first I followed his Instagram account and messaged him that I LUV his pics, but didn't say anything about a potential collab, as I was extremely shy and felt like I would never be picked. He is considered one of the best Polish black and white photographers by many, which is why it was a huge honor for me when HE offered me a photoshoot. So far we have done three of them together and, as of time of writing this message, the next one is on the way :) 

What was your favorite part of working with KRVT
He keeps teaching me many things about modeling, how to do certain things, which things work, which don't - he is kinda like my mentor, you know? I feel somewhat attached haha. Furthermore, he gave me a little tour of Warsaw, which was very kind of him! 

What is your favorite part about modeling?
I think that modeling gives me a chance to show off myself, to liberate myself in a way, to rebel against expectations of many and to have a taste of a "different" life, the one that I have always dreamt of. It may sound very self centered and extremely snobistic and vain, but I'm hoping that one day it will lead me to some sort of "breakthrough", and bring me the recognition and popularity. 

I'm not talking about being famous, because, let's be real, being famous as a model is rather rare and happens to selected few, but maybe one day I will grace a cover of a magazine, maybe found my picture in some sort of calendar? Who knows? All I know is that I can't give up. "I'm at the point of no return".

I love people who are able to break stereotypes and conventionalized norms. For most of my life, I think I thought of the 'boy next door' as good looking and hot, but not especially interesting.  In so many movies and TV shows the boy next door is cute, but also often bland and not incredibly interesting. A guy you'd want to hook up with, but not necessarily spend a lot of time with. 
Julien certainly busted those norms, and my preconceived notions on the phrase and it's meaning.  This boy next door is incredibly hot, but also has a story I loved reading and hearing ab out. I look forward to reading, and seeing the visuals from future chapters of Julien's journey. 

Julien on Instagram / Twitter

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