Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Naughty Number Nine! Colby by Gordon Nebeker

'For many years now, we have invited one of my models to join us during the Christmas season to be our Christmas Elf and help finish the tree and spread some Christmas cheer!'

Spreading a little cheer, especially at this time of year is really the reason for FH.  Photographer Gordon Nebeker summed it up perfectly. Most artists are motivated by passion, for art, for the subject they're shooting, for the creative process.  All however, should also be having just a little bit of fun.  That why the artists I featured capture the male form, and the reason I focus on it.   It can be erotic for sure, sexy and provocative, and sometimes a little bit risky.  The creative process however, should also bring some cheer, and a dose of innocent, child-like fun.

I've been so lucky to feature Gordon's Christmas Elves for almost a decade now, starting with Mr. Herzog back in 2015.  Since then, there have been 8 different Elves, (Mr. Herzog and Mark were hired twice to trim Gordon's branches)  This year, Colby becomes Elf number nine!  

Within the Elf world, especially within his pack, Colby Harris is considered an eminent Elf!  I first noticed his Elf magic almost a year ago, and have been following his Elving, aka modeling work ever since.  I was fortunate to have featured his work with StudioMGphotographer earlier this year. (HERE:)  Colby has had a busy year, working with some of my favorite chroniclers of the Elves, and with the male form.

'I thought the theme was very fun and I was excited to see what I would bring to the Christmas Tree helper series. One of my favorite things about working with Gordon is the insight he gives me. I’m still learning so much every time I step in front of a camera. Gordon collaborates by letting me try things that fail and succeed; his cues are helpful, and I’ll keep them in mind for my next shoot. '

Over the years, Gordon has become a bit of an Elf whisperer, and knows instinctively how to spot an Elf who's a great stocking stuffer, and well hung with care.  Gordon shares that Colby slipped into character, as seamlessly as he slipped out of his clothes.  Gordon couldn't have asked for a better Christmas Elf, one who expressed his personality, brought the Christmas cheer, all with his great sense of humor! 

When looking back on the first post almost a decade ago, I was reminded how much has changed since then.  Over Christmas, I often schedule my posts ahead of time, as I'm often not home, or near the computer at posting time.  Back in 2015, I spent Christmas with my family, including both of my parents.  Since then, both had sadly left us,  I still usually spend it with family, but it's not the same.   

When most of us grew up, if we were lucky, it was changed. Many of have experienced having our Parents plan, organize and create our holidays.  They led the call for holiday cheer.  At some point, as many of us have experienced, those roles reversed.  The last decade or so, they depended on me, to decorate their house and do their shopping.  It was my siblings, their children and I who were now in charge of collecting the spirit and bringing the cheer.  Although things inevitably change, the key is maintaining the cheer, no matter where, and who you're with.

Gordon, Colby (and I) hope you feel the festive.  That in some small way, wherever and however you're spending your Christmas,....  that those viewing the series, feel a small sense of the cheer and joy that went into creating them.  Merry Christmas!

Mr.Herzog (2015) (2016) / Mark (2017) (2019) / Ryan (2020) / Tim (2021
Patrick & Zachary (2022) /Alexander & Cooper (2023)

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