Thursday, September 20, 2018

Favorite Pic of the Day for September 21st

Floatables by Mike Tossy
-See More Below-

Before the Finale....


Long time FH readers know that during the summer months, the site usually has several stories focused on Big Brother.  My interest in the CBS reality show has certainly waned considerably over the last few years, especially given it airs three times a week.  This summer in particular was a difficult one, and until about a week ago, I hadn't had time to tune in.

That doesn't mean I haven't been aware of a few of the hotties locked up in the house this year, so before the season finale, thought I would feature a couple of my favorites.  Brett Robinson is adorable, with a great beefy behind that he's flashed a few times over the summer. 

Brett was evicted last week in the episode I tuned in for.  I watched in part to check out the hunks, but more to see how Julie Chen Moonves was holding up.  I have always liked and respected Julie and it's unfortunate, like so many before, she must deal with the actions of her he.

Tyler & Brett

Given today is swimming pool themed however, I wanted to focus on my favorite guy hanging around the Big Brother pool, Tyler Crispen.  Tyler not only hangs around pools, outside of the house he's a life guard and has that blonde California life guard look down pat!


I love Tyler's long curly locks, especially when wet.  I also think Tyler's especially sexy when sporting his man bun, a style that although many hate, a look I personally find incredibly hot on the right guy.

End of the Seasonal Sightings

Back in The Deep End:

Mike Tossy: Skinning the Surface

'When I stop struggling... I float'

Given I featured Mike Tossy's imagery of naked models underwater, (HERE:) and naked bodies getting out of the water on the previous page, thought I should add a section on those models skinning on the surface of the water. There is nothing better than laying on the surface, either on a floating device, or directly on the cool water.

I loved this series of images Mike included in his pool series, and thought they needed a section of their own.  One of the fun parts about working with Mike's pool shots were not only discovering new models to enjoy, but also spotting some of the familiar faces, and some familiar bodies, Mike captured jumping into the pool.

I recognized several models in the first batch of images Mike sent on, and he was great to send on some additional shots featuring Angelspins and John Cooper, two models I have had the pleasure to feature over the last few months.

Mike's pool themed imagery also re-introduced me JayK, a dancer and model I had previously featured on FH several years ago.  Some of Mike's shots of JayK were some of my favorites, and had me reaching out to him for a profile I posted earlier this month. (Primal Reactions)

Next 2 shots: Jayk