Saturday, July 29, 2023

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 30th

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~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Seasonal Sightings:

Cuffs & Collars

'Two thongs don't make a right...'

Back in 2018, I enjoyed taking a deep dive, featuring several pages spotlighting the classic men of Chippendales. (HERE: & HERE:)  Not the sanitized version currently boring bachelorette attendees in Las Vegas, but the black pant, thong wearing men who brought the brand fame in the 80's and early 90's. 

Back then, The Chippendales were everywhere.  On stage, in videos, on playing cards and even teasing audiences on daytime talk shows.  I think I first noticed the Chippendales when I was a kid walking through the mall with my parents at Christmas.  It was there, my eyes first caught those colorful calendars in the book stores.  I quickly found a way to peal away from my parents for a few minutes to get a quiet,  but secret closer look.

Although I featured many of the most well known dancers in my series of posts in 2018, there were a few I missed.  One, had one of the better strips in the 1987 VHS release of Chippendales: Tall Dark & Handsome.  Check him out, and a clip from the video on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Nicholas Surges in Mummy Brown

'This was supposed to be something beautiful I left behind, so that the suffering had a point.'

With cmnm imagery being a focus this summer, when I saw this scene from the 2021 short film Mummy Brown, I was intrigued.  Thanks to poster Alberto from DC, I was curious to find out more about the film, and the beautiful man chronicled on canvas.  

The beautiful body and chiseled face belongs to Canadian actor, screenwriter and playwright, Nicholas Surges.  Surges both wrote and produced Mummy Brown, as well as playing the lead role of Tyler.  Although the short 15 minute film begins with the cmnm scene, the relationship between model and artist is not the central relationship explored in the film. 

After the first few minutes, the artist exit stage left, and a new character, and a new relationship takes focus.  Tyler soon must face both the demons from his past, and the uncertainty of his future with a mysterious woman whose thoughts on the matter are rooted in her own death and her perspective looking back and through Tyler from the other side.

Although the themes explored are certainly hefty, this a also a beauty that flows through the film. It comes through not only through Surges himself, and the painting of his nude form, but from Surges writing.  The dialogue, no matter how dark, has a light flow that almost lyrically gently pulls the viewer along.

I was going to add a clip, but then discovered the film is available to view in it's entirely.  Check it out on Vimeo HERE:

Nicholas Surges on Instagram

Unrestricted: Jack Waters by Mark E Hersh

'I noticed Jack on Instagram and immediately knew I wanted to shoot him. The balance he has between innocence and sexy was appealing to me. The perfect combination of sexy and sweet.'

Whenever I spend time immersed in the work of photographer Mark E Hersh, I'm always struct by the multiple visual layers within his images.  On the surface, there's an intense level of raw sexuality, created both by the model's poses and expressions, and Mark's style of shooting, and the angles he captures.  Just below this layer, is an elegant expression of sensuality, highlighted for me, by the model's eyes and facial expressions the lines and curves created.

Mark's ability to capture so many different and unique layers, means he's able to bring out many different sides of the models he works with.  I wasn't really that familiar with the film work of model Jack Waters before beginning this piece.  I have however, since completed my due diligence with the proper research.  Even before Mark sent on his comments about Jack however, I could see and feel the blend of sweet and sexy Mark described.

This weave of erotic and innocence comes through in Jack's eyes, and with how natural and at ease he appears in front of Mark's lens.  There's no feeling that anything is forced, or that Jack is trying to look hot or manufacture any sexual intensity.  His appeal appeal is both powerful and organic.   

In addition to the great selection of models that Mark chooses to work with, I also always enjoy seeing how they make use of his expansive studio space. I love the unrestricted feel in this series and how both Mark and Jack utilize the many different spaces.  I always find it interesting to see how a model interacts with their environment, and I love how skillfully Jack uses each different area in the studio and how he and Mark create a unique look and feel for each specific space they're shooting in.

'Jack was an absolute joy to work with! He has the natural ability to connect through the camera. Like all my shoots I encourage the model to participate with ideas and suggestions to truly collaborate in the process and Jack was great at coming up with ideas and very open to mine. 

Jack was a pleasure to work with and I hope I have the opportunity to work with him again. . I hope he enjoyed himself as much as I enjoyed shooting him, and of course I hope everyone enjoys the images we created.'

-Just Jack-

Were there much discussion before hand about the shoot?
Mark and I chit-chatted a bit about how the shoot would be but not a ton. I kind of just went for it.

Do you have any boundaries with what you're comfortable shooting? 
I’m okay with shooting everything however I usually don’t shoot nude with photographers I haven’t shot with before.

What's the biggest difference for you in shooting images vs films? 
For me, images are much easier as they are still. When you’re moving it is soo much more difficult to ensure every angle is appealing and sexy.

Do you still get nervous before a nude shoot, or is this something you've long gotten past? 
I get a little nervous about nude shoots still. But it’s not because I’m shy being nude, I just never know how professional the photographer or videographer will be. You never know if the shoot you’re getting ready for will be another “Hollywood story” kind of shoot.

Does Mark give much direction? 
Mark mainly let me do my thing and would give direction when he felt it was needed, which is what I prefer. 

What is your favorite part of the shoot? 
My favorite part was probably the building of the studio to be honest. I’m not so familiar with down town so it was a nice change.

Mark's studio is such a great space, did you have the freedom to explore when you posed? 
Yes, and there were lots of options within the studio for lighting, poses, and themes

Was there a part of the studio that was your favorite to shoot in? 
The part of the studio I liked the most was probably the makeup-prep station.  I usually work with more light and color, but I liked the variety with the darker color and backgrounds in Mark's studio, not to mention his style. 

What can your fans expect if they join your OnlyFans? 
I interact with my viewers, especially on platforms such as Onlyfans. One-on-one interactions with my fans on those platforms is something they can expect. As well as at least one full collab video and one solo video per week, and stories, photos, and live streams on those platforms separate from my socials :)  And of course, I am working to have more frequent posting as well! 

Mark E Hersh on Twitter / Instagram

Jack Waters on OnlyFans

Jack Waters on Instagram / Twitter

Friday, July 28, 2023

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 29th


Happy Birthday today July 29th

Happy 50th to actor Stephen Dorff!

Check out more of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE: &  HERE:

Stephen in Innocent Lies, 1995  (clip from SOMS)

Bridges to Cross

Where's The Beef?

'It's pretty cool being an offensive lineman, obviously you're a bit different than other athletes.  Our body types are going to be drastically different.'

Variety is the spice of life.  Although generally I try to eat lean proteins like chicken and fish, occasionally I get a craving for a nice juicy slice of beef.  When I was looking for just the right cut, I instantly thought of football center Jason Kelce.

I'd saved the video of Kelce along with The Philadelphia Eagles offensive line from the behind the scenes clip from their appearance in the 2019 ESPN Body Issue.  The entire line is incredibly hot, but there's a reason that Jason is position front and center.

Chris Whalley: Tall, Dark & Handsome

Back in late 80's, Chris Whalley danced on stage with Chippendales, graced a month in their calendars, and was the hot nine of clubs in the Chippendales set of playing cards.  Chris was also a featured dancer with a solo in the middle of 1987's, Chippendales: Tall< Dark & Handsome.

Tall, Dark & Handsome was one of many videos that Chippendales put out in the 80's.  This was an odd little flick you can catch on Youtube if you look.  It's mostly a performance video, focused on the dancers but in addition to featuring Judy Landers, also featured several actress's playing the roles of ladies out celebrating their friends bachelorette party.

If the film wasn't silly enough, the 'story' component made it even sillier, especially looking back in hind sight.  Chippendales, as they were in the 80's and 90's were sort of a product of the times, and like many things from the 80's, didn't really hold up once the 80's came and went.

Chris Whalley however, seemed to hold up well.  When searching for Whalley on social media, one of the first things that came up was his old MySpace page.  There wasn't much on it, but it did have me looking for more of his modeling work.

After his turn with Chippendales, Whalley left the show and was a successful male model in the 90's, doing runway shows and various campaigns, including working several times with fellow 90's male sexy symbol, Brian Buzzini. 

I'm not sure why exactly I didn't notice Whalley when I originally posted about the Chippendales, but he was certainly a big part during the time during height of Chippendales success. Recently seeing his blue bikini shot from one of the Chippendale calendars, I was on the hunt to see, and find out more.  Check out his strip, down his thong, in Tall, Dark & Handsome in the clip below.

Chris (r) with Brian Buzzini (l)

Below: Chris alongside Brian Buzzini, Deryl George, Ric Arango, Scott King and Charles Taylor. at the 1992 Gianni Versace Runway show.

Above: Whalley, front row right

Tall, Dark & Handsome (1987)