Monday, July 1, 2024

Canadian Through And Through

'I'm a Canadian through and through'
Donald Sutherland

On most holidays I do a 12 Days post.  On Canada Day, I usually spotlight a Canadian movie, or an Actors & Skin post on a Canadian actor.  This year, I decided to focus on a movie filmed in Italy and the UK, but the star, is proudly Canadian. Actor Donald Sutherland was born in New Brunswick, grew up in Nova Scotia, then moved to Toronto to attend The University of Toronto.  Sutherland also lived in England for many years and later had  homes in Paris, the US and Quebec.

I was struck just how Canadian Sutherland was when reading some of the tributes after the actor's recent death.   Most stories commented on his love for his country, and The Hollywood Reporter even led with a story about his refusal to acquire dual citizenship, something most actors who work, but were not born in the States, end up doing.  Sutherland explained his reason this way.

'We don’t have the same sense of humour. It’s true. We don’t. I’m a Canadian through and through, '

I think there is a difference in the humour, (and it's not just the u that American spellcheck keeps wanting to fix) between those in the US, and their neighbours to the north.  Canadians seem to have an easier time laughing at themselves.  Canadians also don't seem to enjoy 'slapstick' humour the way many Americans do.  Canadian humour is often more subtle, but can also be darker, and more sarcastic.  

Ordinary People

Sutherland's love for his country was as enduring as the northern lights, shining through his keen interest in federal politics, his love for Canadian baseball and his support for homegrown talent on screen, say several people who crossed paths with the screen icon. 
The Western Wheel

I've loved so many of Sutherland's performances, but I think my favorite has to be his turn as Calvin Jarrett in Robert Redford's Ordinary People.  I saw bits and pieces on TV when I was a teenager in the early nineties.  I saw enough to want to seem more, and went out to rent the film so I could watch it from beginning to end. Something about the story, the direction, the performances made an impact.  I've made a point to revisit the film, and Sutherland's incredible performance, several times since.

The Dirty Dozen

No the 12 Days film I mentioned at the beginning wasn't the dirty dozen, but I had to include these cast pics, especially given the view above of Clint Walker's chest. (you can see more on FH HERE:)  The movie I chose was Sutherland's turn in the 1973 drama Don't Look Now.  The film includes Sutherland's first, and definitely most revealing, nude scene.  Check out caps and a clip on FH HERE:

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