Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Adamo ed Eva: la prima storia d'amore

'God casts Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden because Eve decided to eat a forbidden apple that a talking snake told her to eat. The disgraced couple find themselves battling a coterie of various creatures.'

1983's Adamo and Eva is known as an Italian Exploitation film.  I think for American's, the closest connection would be to softcore.   The film is light on story, but heavy on beauty and visuals, and also heavily relies on music to tell the story.

Mark Gregory is certainly a beauty, with is great face and body and curly brown hair.  I found myself watching him, caring little about the story, but focused on his beautiful face.  Gregory is nude for a bit at the beginning, but carefully shot so you don't see too much. 

Unfortunately the film quickly leaves the love story, and the nudity, and puts it's Adam and Even in loincloths so they can battle a slew of odd creatures.  Still, all  in all a beautiful looking film, but also one that could have been so much more by doing just a little bit less.

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