Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 31st

-See More Below-

Check out today's birthday boys HERE:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all those who have contributed, participated and enjoyed the blog the past 12 months! I usually hate resolutions, but this year I have made a few for 2014, one of which involves changes for the blog. I will share more about that in the next few days.  For those staying in, have fun, for those going out, be safe, it is an icy mess where I live.   I am heading out for an early dinner but then hoping to be home early to catch up on The Walking Dead Marathon!

 Here's to a peaceful, yet visually incredible 2014!

Thanks to Frisky Frolic for the New Years images!

A Round Robin

I am prepared to be wrong,
I am fine to be disagreed with.
Sometimes I wonder if I am behind the times,
Other times I wonder if I am ahead of the curve.

I paraded, wrote letters, marched and fought for gay rights so that one day stories like Robin's would NOT be news.... When I saw so many gay sites and blogs, when I read so many people on Twitter and Facebook applauding and cheering Robin this week I wondered if we have somehow forgotten what being equal means. The news anchor did not loudly come out, she quietly and respectfully mentioned her partner...just like anyone might have. I love her for that. I understand how important it is for gay celebrities, athletes and political figures to be honest with who they are but I think our need to have a ticker tape parade every time we find out someone is gay has passed the point of helping the cause, in fact it may be just slightly starting to make it worse.

Start The New Year with A BMSO Retreat!

Plans are coming together for another BMSO physique photography retreat in January in Palm Springs. During the summers of 2006-2008 Prairie Visions Photography has hosted retreats for serious amateur to semi-pro photographers and models to get together and collaborate. The next one is planned for January 2014 and there is still room for another photographer or two!

The retreat will consist of four or five models and six or seven photographers. The retreat will be based at the Triangle Inn in Palm Springs which has a nice pool and beautiful gardens. There will also be a day trip to Joshua Tree and will have both group shoots and models posing solo. Participants can arrive on Friday, January 17 and head home on Tuesday, January 21, giving us Saturday, Sunday and Monday to shoot.

Photographer costs will be $200 per day (three days, which covers model fees and food/lodging/travel for the models). Your travel, food and lodging will be your own responsibility. Triangle Inn is offering a special, however. Book three nights and get the fourth free. Just mention you're with the photo retreat.

All of the images here are from past retreats and if you want to see more check out the BMSO flickr site HERE: You can also find out more info as well as contact info if you wish to join the fun! Although there may be one or two more, the models on board thus far will ensure incredible images and I can't wait to share some of the results! Models currently attending include Erijole and Paul Boulon, both whom I have featured on FH, as well as models Javoroce and davidlambertxxx.

Soul Secret by Alexander Chernenko

'To declare myself to the world, actually, why not if the world wide web exists for the connecting people from the most different corners of a planet. for the finding adherents and colleagues. for the meeting interesting people and to show my own.'

Some days I look at the web, and the filth and hate spewed on so many forums and messages boards and wonder it is really more than just a vehicle to spread hate. It was a certain and specific basement dweller blogger whose voice was simply used to belittle others that had me decide FH had to be different. Not necessarily always positive, but stories and features never (ok, rarely...) at the expense of another.

Reading photographer Alexander's quote on the front of his site AlAn-design reminded me of the power and positivity of the world wide web. If not for the web, how would a guy,, currently freezing (although power has been restored!) and storm stayed, surrounded by snow in a house in the North East of America share the work of a Russian photographer currently living and working in Belarus.

'I'm going my way form amateur to professional photographer. In Russian "amateur" ("любитель") have almost same sense as "love" ("любить" in Russian). I really love to see different moments of life and I really love to catch them by my camera! But also I like to make this on real good level to be real professional!'

As huge as the world is, almost every artist I profile, especially those who don't shoot for a living, describe their photography as a passion, they do it because they have to, they love it. I am convinced people see the world in one of five ways; through their visual or auditory senses, through their imagination, through the lens of another or with their eyes to the ground. Most photographers are of course visually inclined, it is why my images never look quite right. I see the world through my imagination, every encounter and experience like a scene from a play. It is why I see 'story' in every image I spend time with.

When I saw this set of images, as beautiful as sexy, as mysterious and enigmatic they were, I instantly had questions, why the choice of the veil, why was the model hidden? Was it an artists choice, a statement or story being shared, or was it a model's request, were they shy or wanting to remain hidden? It is a beautifully fascinating contrast to unveil our penis, the part of our body most usually wrapped and cover the face, the part of our body usually the symbol of who we are and the base of expression and emotion.

'The 22 year old model was not experienced shooting, but wanted to try all types of modeling, including nude shots. He wasn't sure how people around him can take this. Therefore... he decided to hide his face. To make those images a bit more enigmatic. He can show his nudity, but at the same time he wanted to keep in secret his soul...'

Alexander's words, and story about the images to me enhance their beauty and provide another level of emotion and enjoyment viewing them. Although not necessarily directly connected, given all the news surrounding The Olympics, Russia and gay rights the images make the images, and models choices pointedly current and poignantly relevant.