Thursday, May 23, 2024

Achromatic: Colton by Alan Rust

'You don’t think I will get naked but I will....'

One of the essential elements of fashion is color.  No matter the style and texture, if the color isn't right, it's not going to sell.  There's a reason achromatic colors like black and white are so popular, and form the basic components of many our closets. Women have their little black dresses, and men have their white singlets and t-shirts.  I'm not sure there's anything sexier than a hot guy in a white t-shirt and jeans.

If you've followed my previous features spotlighting the work of photographer Alan Rust, you know his focus is on both fashion and the male form.  When I was first saw this series featuring Alan's work with Colton, I knew it was a hot summer white party.  White goes with everything, and it certainly goes with the incredibly hot Colton.  White shirts, white bed sheets, and a hot white jockstrap.

'Colton is one of those 1 in a 1,000 guys that are a natural model. I had been trying to work with him for a couple years and locations plus timing never worked out until recently. We had met for dinner in Iowa about a year before we finally worked together. He is a very nice guy and flirty for a straight guy. He knows he is gorgeous.'

Alan and Colton's shoot in Omaha lasted almost the entire day.  Although the plan was to capture an array of themes, from fashion and men's style, to fitness and sexy shots, nudity was never directly discussed before the shoot.  At one point during the shoot, Colton threw out the quote that I used at the top of the post. 'You don’t think I will get naked but I will.'

Alan was a bit surprised.  Not only had they not discussed it, but Colton seemed excited to push his boundaries and take some risks.  Colton was even up for jettisoning his jeans, even when they were shooting on location outside.  Although Alan was certainly on board, they ended up deciding it might be better to first head back inside to the studio.

'Colton did take some very sexy pics. He can definitely turn on his sexuality for the camera. I think his photo shoot is one of the best I have ever done. It’s easy when you have a confident model who has the personality to make the pictures amazing.'

As much as color was a theme in this series, other elements of fashion, and the male form also stand out. Colton is undoubtedly hot, with his classically handsome face and incredible body. With or without clothing however, my favorite images of the male form always involve images with a focus on lines and curves.  I love the lines and curves of Colton's beautiful body that Alan captured.  From the lines of his perfectly chiseled face to the comely curves of his back and behind. 

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