Friday, June 2, 2023

Outtakes & Extras: Noah White by Michael von Redlich

'Noah and I are of a similar mind when it comes to what will work or fail - in some cases, he was more daring than I was '

Although most of their work during this shoot took place outside, there were plenty of opportunities for pit-stops along the way.  In addition to the shots on the previous page, with Noah White playing in a park in downtown Jacksonville, there was the beach shoot that I'll be featuring soon.  In the meantime, I wanted to feature these shots from their interior work, as well as some fun behind-the-scenes and outtakes from the shoot.

Included in the mix were several shots I really loved of an adorable Noah with an equally adorable Husky.  The Husky belongs to one of Noah's friends, and the little fella couldn't help wanting in on the action, nuzzling in, and planting some big wet kisses on Noah during the shoot.  

There were some cool fashion pieces in the shoot, did you bring them or were some Noah's? 
The fur piece I had bought for our first shoot in February and other things either he had or I had gotten them from his Amazon Wishlist. 

What was your favorite part of the shoot? 
Spending time with my friend. 

Who brought the cowboy hat? 
The cowboy hat was totally me from our first shoot 😜 

What was your favorite part about working with Noah? 
He challenged me, and pushed me beyond my own comfort zone, and we had an amazing time- we already have an August shoot booked (this time including Ethan Tate)!

Noah White on Twitter / Instagram

1 comment:

Michael said...

Thank you so much!!