Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Decadent Display

'When a guest sits down there should be something beautiful and inspiring to look at.'
Annie Falk

I'm not sure the Pilgrim's worried that much about table décor, it's possible, given the era, there wasn't actually a table.  The fable indicates they sat down, blessed their food, and then served the many prepared dishes. It's more likely, the food was set out on every available flat surface: boxes, benches, flat rocks and tree stumps

Today however, the table setting has become as important as the secret ingredients in the stuffing.  In my family, there really wasn't anything close to table décor.  The table was set, but in the centerpiece was usually just the dish for the cranberry sauce and the salt and pepper shakers. 

When I got older, my mom might have added a few gourds, but they were always removed as we sat down, to make room for... .the dish for the cranberry sauce and the salt and pepper shakers.  I'm still not big on centerpieces, they just take up room and block views, but I do try to add a few candles, and maybe a seasonal bouquet if I happen to have had time to pick one up.

I wish I was as creative as Jim from Studio1x, who ensured the Pilgrims and their guests had a centerpiece that not only inspired, but wet the appetite and provided a great focus for conversation.  Given Thanksgiving can be so stressful, especially with family members you often haven't seen for awhile, a hot naked man would make the perfect stress reliever and conversation starter!  Bon Appétit!

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