Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hot For Teacher...

 I've got it bad, so bad 
I'm hot for teacher

I know Van Halen was talking about a female teacher, but gay kids were equally hot for teacher.  We all had one in Jr. or Senior High. You know that hot math or English teacher in his late 20's or early 30's.  Too old for an actual relationship, (maybe) but young enough to lust over.  He mostly wore jeans or corduroy pants and a blazer.  He rarely wore a tie, but just a dress shirt, with one extra button opened.

We lusted after him and loved when he'd walk around the classroom.  On some rare occasions, we got an extra-special view of that corduroy covered ass when he'd bend over to help a student close to you.  I have yet to watch Pretty Little Liars, it's still on my 'to watch' list.  But that doesn't mean I'm not aware of Mr. Fitz, the hot English teacher, at least for awhile....

Poor Ezra Fitz, played by actor Ian Harding, couldn't keep a teaching job to save his life.  He kept getting fired, or having to leave, due his penchant for fooling around with the female students in his classrooms.

Long Slow Exhale (2022)

Now we never saw Mr. Fitz naked, but we can dream thanks to these caps from Harding in the first season of Long Slow Exhale.  If Mr. Fitz had been my English teacher, I'd have found out where he lived, and peaked through the bushes to watch him swim in his backyard.  

Hopefully, if the timing were just right, we'd find him at the end of August, just before school was about to go back in, skinning dipping.  We'd get a glorious, and safe from a distant, view of that hot ass.  This time, minus those tight and teasing pants he wore in class. 

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