Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Pearls of Wisdom

'My drama teacher at school just took the mickey out of me. He was always making snidey little comments, trying to put me down.  I've proved him wrong though, haven't I?'
Tom Wisdom

I think I saw 2005's Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants when it fist came out as a 'new release' on DVD,  I really liked it, but not enough to watch part 2 when it was released in 2008.  I feel like I've seen it, as its on television all the time.  I remember watching a few scenes, including the scene with Jesse Williams posing for art class but I have to watch the entire film.

It was on television again last weekend, and again I saw it as I was flipping through channels.  Even with digital tv and their channel guide, I'm still a fan of flipping through channels.  This time, as I was going from channel to channel I stopped on part 2 of the franchise because of a scene between  Carmen (America Ferrera) and a character named Ian. (Tom Wisdom)

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (2008)

' Carmen, that was incredible!'

I stopped after seeing the face above and wondering who the actor was.  I really should have heard of actor Tom Wisdom before, but I had to Google to find out who he was.   Although I heard of many of the actor's projects, I think this film was the first time I saw him on-screen. 

Mile High (2003-2005)

Tom began his career on English television with roles on shows including; Coronation Street,  Black Hearts in Battersea, Brand Spanking New Show and the airport series Mile High.  I'd heard of Mile High, mostly because of Paul Telfer's nude scene, (HERE) but I'd never actually saw the show.  Although Wisdom showed a lot of skin, he didn't have any actual nude scenes on the show. 

Wisdom, and his traveling pants, have mostly stayed on, that is except for a turn on the fantasy show Dominion. Check out a scene from that show below. 

Dominion (2014-2015)


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